NEW Local ‘discretionary’ funding opportunities

 A big hello to those who so far have fallen between the cracks on the funding options.

Such as those working from home, or from shared offices or market traders.

ie especially where the grants linked to rateable value are concerned.

Help may be at hand. It’s not much but as they say it’s better than nothing.


Here’s some information about the ‘Local Restrictions Support Grants’

The District Councils have some extra funding to distribute and there’s different cut off dates.

If you are within the Welwyn Hatfield Area you can apply here and the closing date is 31st December


If you are within North Herts area you can apply here and the closing date is 15th December


If you are in a different area, just search for Discretionary Local Restrictions Support Grants on your local council portal and there should be something. Each area has been allocated a pot of money for this. Amounts vary. Worth looking into if you’ve not already.